I know the time is short but our club wants to invite you to a 10 hours of adventure rally in Krosno Odrzanskie
The rally is held on military training grounds and there is only one class - adventure (wintches are blocked) This is a cross rally with controll points (stamps). Time is not important - what counts is the number of stamps you collect. The teams start on the 30th of may at 9:00 and have 10hours to finish the rally. (Some teams arrive on 29th to have some rest before the challenge :) On the 30th after the rally there is a party with foods and drinks (included in the price). On the 31st morning we leave the base.
registration fee for a car (driver+1) is 70 euro registration fee for a quad is 40 euro registration fee for additional person is 15 euro
What's in the price: preparation of the route admissions fees teambuilding party after the rally with grilled food military pea soup (Erbsensuppe) during the rally cups, diplomas, souvenirs
Zitat von RumTreibermany informations in short time!!!
Heiko, in Lupus club we organise at least one event a month. I haven't informed you that on the 6th of june we organise an expedition from military bunker, (blockhouse) to bunker (MRU from the second world war)